BDSM Workshops in London
Whilst picking up aspects of BDSM from personal play, clubs & parties, and “the internet” is how most people develop their BDSM interests, why not set yourself apart and have some professional tuition? I am a firm believer in learning, questioning, understanding and practicing BDSM and you would be surprised how much someone can improve on even the basics with a little extra knowledge. As such I run BDSM workshops in conjunction with Master Silk to help people gain new skills, increase their abilities, avoid safety issues, and gain real understanding into almost all aspects of BDSM – there is nothing “Dom” about refusing to learn, in my eyes.
Real time and Online Professional Domination Workshops
These workshops are for those interested in learning more about the key aspects of being a Professional Dominant. They break down into different modules ranging from psychology, through important techniques to session planning and marketing.
Offered to all levels of capabilities ranging from beginners through to experienced professionals.

Couples BDSM Workshops
Our Couples Workshops are ideal for either introducing an uncertain partner to BDSM or (more often) for couples who want to learn more, introduce more elements to their private play, or learn a particular set of new skills.

One-to-One Tuition
One-to-One lessons for those wanting to accelerate their understanding, bring new experiences to their play, understand some of the underlying psychological and physiological aspects governing BDSM, or simply to learn new capabilities quickly.
If you are interested in taking part please contact me via mistress.wildfire@hotmail.com